Thursday 26 April 2012

messy files

Gathering materials for my portfolio really makes me realize that I need to clean up my mac. I can't find a single piece of work in the ridiculous amount of files I've stored throughout the years. Looking for each document definitely isn't the best way to spend time. The process of accumulating my evidence of completion of each core unit would be so much quicker, easier and way more pleasant if everything was neatly organized. Oh well, I guess this is my lesson learnt, and in the future I shall be more careful with that!
Anyways, looking through all the reports, articles and other stuff I wrote during both semesters really makes the amount of work put into the course look impressive. There is really a lot of them! Especially if I count in all articles written for our(by us I mean the editorial staff!) beloved Zipped Magazine.

I didn't expect it, but it is very difficult to pinpoint which piece of work showcases the knowledge gained best. It is quite weird as well, because I feel like I have to look at my own writing objectively and treat it like it's someone else's, in order to judge it by the suitable criteria for the portfolio.

One thing is certain, it won't be easy to go through all these reports and decide. I just hope I choose wisely!


Saturday 14 April 2012

It's the last weekend before coming back to college...Nooo! I got used to that sweet laziness on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays. I guess I'll just have to get used to school all over again!

Friday 6 April 2012

It's really time to seriously start working on the development stage for my graded unit classes, but I honestly have no idea where to begin. I need some inspiration... help!

Tuesday 3 April 2012

I've got only one thing to say. The weather is absolutely unbelievable.. and not in a positive sense of that word. Today I saw rain, shining sun, clouds and finally snow.. Could it be any more ridiculous?
I hope those summery degrees come back very soon!